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Exciting News For Roots & Shoots

Great news! The eco pop band BESUREIS, who were chosen to run the world wide Say No campaign have teamed up with Roots & Shoots to celebrate Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots 25th Anniversary, by raising funds with charity events running throughout the year starting with Jumping For Jane skydives and bungee jumps in early 2016.

If you would like to raise funds or take part in one of the events in support of Roots & Shoots please contact the One Fight.Unite team.

January kicks off with two earth warriors Will Green and Farid Haddad who will take to the skies to spread their wings.

If you would like to support Will and Farid and donate please click here.

Will Jumping For Jane copy Farid Jumping For Jane

Thanks and please stay tuned.

Duke and Rubin

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