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Stories that we think you’ll find interesting and inspiring

The unique habitats that exist in the UK

When you think of rare habitats, rich in wildlife and under threat, do you think of South American rainforests and Australian coral reefs? These are indeed spectacular, precious and irreplaceable habitats, but did you know that the UK has some incredible habitats as well? They may not be as famous, or as photogenic in some […]

New Years resolutions to help you and the planet

The start of a new year is a time of hope and renewal, but it can also come with a lot of pressure. From social media to advertising, there are messages from all sides that are telling us to do more, travel more, buy more, work more, spend more, exercise more…and more and more and […]

Global environmental 2023 dates for your diary

At Roots & Shoots UK, you are part of something big – a global movement of young people dedicated to creating positive change for people, animals and the environment. And if you’re looking to take part in major events, or channel your actions around particular themes or topics, you could choose to get involved in […]

Top tips for a sustainable Christmas

We love Christmas! Cold weather, mince pies, winter walks and lots of time spent with family and friends. It’s a happy season, with presents and decorated trees and lots of tasty food. It can also be a season that produces an awful lot of waste and uses a lot of energy. Happily, there are plenty […]

Innovative ideas to help the planet

The effort to save our planet requires help from everyone – from positive changes in the way we live day-to-day and individual efforts, to action from governments and large organisations. And it also requires innovative ideas to help change the way we live, and to help heal some of the damage humans have already done. […]

We’ve got two new brilliant resources on Aquaculture and Fishing

Roots & Shoots is delighted to announce that we’ve just added two brand new resources to our amazing collection. As with the other resources, these are free to download and use, and have been designed for educators and group leaders to help young people explore, discover and discuss elements of our environment, the challenges our […]

Simple ways to save energy at home

The amount of energy we use can have a big impact on the environment, and also on our household bills. But there are plenty of ways to make little savings that don’t impact day to day life but can help reduce our energy consumption, which is good for the planet and the pocket! 1. Conduct […]

If it rains so much, why is there a hosepipe ban? 

Is it possible to have droughts AND heavy rain happening in the same place at the same time? The answer is, perhaps surprisingly, yes, and here’s why.  How can you have drought and rain? At first glimpse, it doesn’t sound logical at all. Droughts are caused by a lack of water and dry spells, right? […]

River Wye SOS

The River Wye is beautiful. Rising from its source in the Welsh mountains at Plynlimon, it travels through the middle of Wales past historical towns like Rhyader, the enters England at Hay-On-Wye, and continues its undulating path down skirting the Forest of Dean until it joins the River Severn near Bristol, 130 miles later. It’s […]

Mayfair at TASIS

Each May, our school has a Mayfair where the entire school takes part in either helping out with games, food stalls, entertainment, and other activities. This day is open to the public and it is a great way for our school population to come together with the community that we are part of. The idea […]