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Grow your own through stories

During the start of the term some of our students at Penryn College were lucky enough to work with a local writer Becky Tebbutt and a local illustrater to help here illustrate her new children’s book telling the story of the humble tomato, how to grow a tomato plant and  simple recipes for all those tomatoes you collect.

Students in our Green team helped with the instructions on the best way to grow a tomato plant, our Year 8 food technology classes trialled some of the possible recipes for the book and recommended which ones should be included and our very own student illustrators had two workshops with the local artist to develop the style, layout and characters for the book.

The hope is that the book will be read by children of all ages and encourage them and their families to grow and eat their very own tomatoes.  Once published, copies of the book will be on sale in our college shop with a complementary tomato plant for students to get them going.

Have a look at some of our illustrators hard at work below

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