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Give your time to help wildlife

Keen to help keep things wild in your local environment, or help ensure that wildlife has a safe home in the UK? Then why not get involved in some of the organisations around the country that look after our national parks and wild paces by volunteering your time?

Wildlife volunteering

Some of the organisations are big, some are small, and all have opportunities for you to get involved, whether that’s volunteering on a regular basis, helping out a little bit here and there, or joining a particular project. There are often ways for both individuals and groups to get involved, and it’s a great way to help make a real difference.

The National Trust

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The National Trust is a huge organisation and it’s got a huge job, looking after huge swathes of wild land and historic buildings and parks. They are responsible for many amazing environments from moors to coastlines to ancient forests, and all need looking after. It’s a big job, which is why the National Trust has a big volunteer program to match.

There are lots of ways to get involved, from week-long ‘holidays’ where you can help rebuild dry stone walls to helping survey wildlife along the coast.

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The Wildlife Trusts

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The Wildlife Trusts are a group of regional Wildlife Trusts that work to look after the natural environment, help wild animals, ensure the natural ecosystems are secure and help people understand the interconnected nature of our relationship with the planet.

There are Widlife Trusts all across the British Isles, and they are always looking for people to volunteer their time, whether that’s as a regular volunteer or to help with a project or odd job here and there. There’s lots to do for everyone!

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Canal and Riverside Trust

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Your local canal or riverside is an amazing place, and worth looking after. Not only will it be home to some brilliant plants and animals, it’s also the perfect space to sit and try to spot them. Canals and rivers can also be a wildlife haven for people and animals in the middle of cities.

However, they also need looking after. Whether it’s picking up the litter that can pollute them, look unsightly or harm wildlife, through to weeding or cutting back overgrown hedges, there are jobs big and small you can get involved in to ensure your patch of riverside or canalside looks it’s best and makes a great home for wildlife.

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The Conservation Volunteers

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The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) are a community-based volunteering network by harnessing people power not only to look after outdoor spaces, but also to bring communities together, combat loneliness, give people the chance to get fit while helping the environment, and learn skills that could help them with jobs in the future. What a lot of good!

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